Blog n: a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and brief philosophical musings about social issues that generally represent the personality of the author. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order.
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Thursday 17 January 2008

Dulce et decorum est

Operation StatCounter is now in effect and has tallied 8 visits so far. However, refreshing the page to artificially inflate numbers is a constant temptation so the counter will either serve as a beacon of integrity and honor or a cheap gimmick to lure other readers, including the ones that don't exist. After checking the homepage twice during this post the ticker has increased to 10 thereby validating my Integrity but raising serious questions about my psychological fortitude. I'm distracted easily, abandon subject matter for low-yielding tangents, and frequently end up in a Seinfeldian wasteland of solipsistic narcissism, redundancy, and meaningless rhetoric. Much like this one; a wordy nothingness like a cul de sac of ideas and the irony of being trapped inside my own invention starts making me queezy. Another 4 hits sustained.


Anonymous said...

I'm guilty of refreshing it 4 times due to a sick perverse pleasure in doing so.I will try to refrain from this practice in the near future.

Anonymous said...

I don't exist, but find this blog incredibly refreshing! It is a great temptation for me to not plagiarize your fine academic observations submitting them under my own name to the Smithsonian. Even your seinfeldian wasteland of redundancy, I know, would be stimulating for me if posted. I would be tempted with that as well. Tangents always start out in low yielding states until the power of word-of-mouth starts stimulating all those sub-atomic particles waiting inside all the vast quantum possibilities! Think positive! Your cul de sac of ideas will cease to remain horizontal and spiral upward into a sublime state of queezy! I have been there and it is well worth the exploration of meaningless rhetoric to achieve. Call it: "Opperation Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!" Walla, too you, My Lady!