Blog n: a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and brief philosophical musings about social issues that generally represent the personality of the author. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order.
So there. Now feed the starving little fighting fish above by clicking in his space...

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Pets for my pets

Last night during a water clean/change I ran out of purification drops so I called FISH 4 U and the guy who answered the phone didn't seem to recognize my voice so I drove down there. Waiting until a couple minutes before close I entered the store and, in the form of an apology, I introduced myself to the new FISH 4 U employee. The guy was eager to help and a total nut and expert on Betta's. He told me all about his life in California as a Betta breeder and taught me about bubble nests, water changes, and the benefits algae. Did you know that a female's horizontal stripes turn vertical when she's ready to mate?? Fascinating! I'm guessing he moved here after meeting the Fish Lady online and they found love in a fish forum chatting about water filtration systems; "He had me at Betta Splendens is latin for Beautiful Warrior". I don't blame her, the man is an inspiration.

I ended up leaving the store with a pound of black gravel, a red coral arch, a soft mesh net, premium frozen fish food, and 3 albino cloud fish for Rojo to play with. I can see why they hired him.

FISH 4 U is located on 4010 Highland Dr, Holladay, UT (801) 274-0113. Pay them a visit, it will change your life.


Anonymous said...

More From The Betta Song Book

The Bettas
Back at the Fish 4 U

To the tune of back in the USSR, by The Beatles

hit it....!!

Speed up Highland Drive in my Leyland Mini
Rojo's been a dreadful sight
On the way some betta smut was on my knee
Diablo had a restless night

I'm back at the Fish 4 U.
You don't know how lucky you are Bettas
I'm back at the, back at the, back at the Fish 4 U

Been away so long they hardly knew my face
Didn't recognizee my voice on the phone
Rojo has a very gray lethargic face
Hope it's not pink marble syndrome

I'm back in the Fish 4 U.
Where all their gravel is blue
Back at the Fish, back at the Fish, back at the Fish 4 U.

Well those Betta strips really knock me out
Horizontal they look just fine
But vertical makes me start to sing and shout
As breeding comes to my mind-- mind mind mind mind mind mind !!

I'm back at the Fish 4 U.
You don't know how lucky you are Bettas
Back at the Fish 4 U, back at the Fish 4 U

Show me a new filtration system that's on sale
Take me to the algae farm
Let me see your soft mesh nets hanging out
I'll buy some cloud fish to keep my Rojo warm.

I'm back at the Fish 4 U.
You don't know how lucky you are Bettas
Back at the Fish 4 U

Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Anonymous said...

Moneypenny, Mister Bang Bang has to work Thursday, also. Going on special assignment from the Queen. Dr DeNo(the other dave)is flying to Hawaii for a romantic interlude, and to delve into the realm of mindless and unbridled debauchery. We all might have to put off Betta-Brit-Talk at the Market for another week. Living with a stomach empty of your magical truffles will be my greatest test, except for the time I escaped from a North Korean labor camp. Thank heavens we still can congregate freely in the Hive and feed on golden nectar and laughs. I'll see you Friday night. You'd betta be there!

Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang