Blog n: a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and brief philosophical musings about social issues that generally represent the personality of the author. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order.
So there. Now feed the starving little fighting fish above by clicking in his space...

Monday 4 February 2008

Remember ladies - Never look prettier than the bride.

Dear Mr Bang Bang,

I'm writing in response to your comments. Your remarks were imaginative, empathetic, and indeed far more humorous than my own. Mr Bang Bang, it's one thing to be out-witted but it's quite another to be "out-fanned". I'm asking you sir, what my role is as your fan, if you would feel okay with being my #2 fan, and what your thoughts are on "mutual-fanship".

Thank you for hitting on my site.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Moneypenny


Anonymous said...

Moneypenny. I am flattered that you would want me as your #2 Fan, but you haven't done enough to earn my loyalty yet... and it might be extremely harder than you think for it to come by. And why are you so eager to grant me this special status? What makes you not suspect that I might possibly be a lying, babbling drunkard? Susceptible to any taint, or vice whose strong corruption might inhabit my frail blood? I just could possibly be an injurious wasp after sweet honey- unyielding to any stings you might think capable of inflicting upon me. But,,,, beggar that I am, I am even poorer in thanks, but I will thank you graciously for the honor, even though you might have just unwittingly granted it to a sea monster. Plus: as a side bar: I am very impressed with your intricate insights into these lovable little Bettas, and your kind care and feeding of them. BUT, I am not very impressed with their 'Tank Decor!' Don't you think these Bettas have the least degree of fashion consciousness and might be eager to express themselves... Even trying so much as wanting to keep up with the status quo?... Think about it. This might be an area of heartless neglect that could bring the forces of peta down on you, and ruin your standing with legions of potential fans and bloggers. Sorry I sound so didactic. And one more little thing; It's..... Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!

Anonymous said...

Moneypenny. I have showed great enthusiasm with your blog, but I now feel I've had a fish bowl of cold water dumped over my head. It was exciting to antipate 'bettabloging' but I am starting to think I am posting into a dead sea and making dialogue with incorporeal air. My fascination is being replaced by disappointment and my enegeries will soon gravitate elsewhere if I don't detect a life form here eager to swim in a synchronicity of words and wit. And most of all- a sharing of respect for betas everywhere, and common cause with their struggle for social acceptance, justice, and unconditional love. Speak to me! Your lack of words are like razors to my wounded excitement.

Anonymous said...

The Fish Liberation Front, Anti-Fish Defamation League, National Organization of Fish, Fish For Hillary Clinton, Fish for Social Justice, People For The Ethical Treatment of Fish, and Skippers, All Would Like to Wish, Miss Moneypenny a happy 30th !!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Lady! And thanks for voting for me yesterday. My friend Dave wrote this parody about me and it' driving Hillary and Bill crazy! It's a parody of The Beach Boys mega hit- Kokomo. I am trying to decide if I should use it as my campaign song. Do you remember the melody? Well then 'Hit It,' sing along, and let me know later.....and keep that campaign cash coming!

Anonymous said...

Moneypenny. This Barack OBetta character is an interloper and charlatan! Me and Hillary-Bob are the real thing, and a lot more concerned about Rojo and little Diablo than Barack OBetta will ever be...not in a million years of evolution, not EVER! We promise little Rojo and Diablo free health care and low student loans for whatever school they want to swim and learn in. Go ask thousands of female Bettas anywhere that it was Me and Hillary-Bob who have felt compassion for them, and worked with them through these long years of common cause. So please vote, sooner rather than later, in the next election for Hillary Bob Betta. Thanks...and I'll be sending you a nice cigar.

Anonymous said...

Moneypenny. I second whatever my husband, Billy Bob Betta, just said. Barack OBetta never sat on the back of the bus with Rosa like we did. We liberated Black Bettas all over the country and gave them civil rights. Just ask Jesse Betta, or, The Reverend Al Sharpton Betta...they'll tell you.
We will never let anyone put chains on our fins again and make us work out in the sea-weed fields. Thanks Moneypenny! We will expect your support in the future. Yours truly, Hillary Bo Betta.

Anonymous said...

Moneypenny.... Believe none of it! That Billy Bob, and Hillary Bob Bettas are plastic bananna phoney baloney rock-in-roller types! I am the one who deserves your write-in vote. I created the internet and want to have it wired into fish bowls everywhere. And I am saving aquariums every day from aquarium-warming, which is melting icebergs in the So China Sea right this very moment as we speak, cooking poor Bettas to death. A vote for AlBetta Gore is a vote mother nature, Gia, and our great Mother Betta in Heaven.

This parody says it all:

Anonymous said...

Moneypenny. A vote for Mitt Betta is a vote for all Mormon Bettas everywhere! Please vote for Mitt Betta. Who do you think "M" really is? And, AlBetta Gore is NUTS !! Just read this:

That AlBetta Gore is a half-with. Even Cher knows.