Blog n: a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and brief philosophical musings about social issues that generally represent the personality of the author. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order.
So there. Now feed the starving little fighting fish above by clicking in his space...

Saturday 8 March 2008

Whiskey Lullaby to Rojo

His life went out like the frozen end of a brine shrimp.
He broke her heart: She might spend her whole life trying to forget.
We watched her drink his pain away, a little at a time,
But she never could get drunk enough to get Rojo off her mind,
Until the day on the rooftop,
Mira and Diablo, and the rest of the mourners.
They all put bottles to their lips and pulled the trigger.
And finally drank away Rojo's memory.
Life is short, but this time it was bigger,
Than the strength we had to get up off our knees.
Mira had found him with his face down in the bubbles,
With a note on the aquarium glass that said: "I'll love Mira till I die."
Then we buried him atop The Charleston,
As angels sung a whiskey lullaby.
La la Ro Ro Ro Rojo
La la Ro Ro Ro Rojo
La la Ro Ro Ro Rojo.

The rumors flew, but nobody knew how much she blamed herself
And that fishy lady at Fish 4 U.
For days and days, she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath.
She finally drank her pain away, a little at a time.
But she never could get drunk enough to get Rojo off her mind.
Until the day on the roof
She put that bottle to her lips and pulled her hair back.
And finally drank away his memory.
Life is short, but this time it wasn't bigger,
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees.
We found her happy face again down at The Bee,
Clinging to a picture of Rojo and his favorite brew.
We toasted Rojo, and Mira, beneath the patio canopy,
While Dave and Dave sang a whiskey lullaby.
La la Ro Ro Ro Rojo
La la Ro Ro Ro Rojo
La la Ro Ro Ro Rojo.
Rojo, Rojo, la la la la la la Rojo!

Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Epitaph For A Great Betta Fish

Magical Gills, Tails, and Fins.... Rojo's Legacy

Lives of great fish all remind us
We too can make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us
Swirls through the fishbowls of time
Swirls and Splashes that perhaps another
Swimming or' life's solemn main
A forlorn or shipwrecked Betta
Seeing will take heart again.

Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Moneypenny, I have been in deep depression since hearing of Rojo's untimely death. I went to Sea World yesterday to try and relieve my pain, but Shamu was not in any kind of mood to share my grief. In fact his trainers feed him mouthful after mouthful of cute little fish that reminded me of poor Rojo. It seems I will have to find other outlets for my grief.
I adapted a few lines from Longfellow while I was in the depths of despair. They helped me. I hope they help you too. Dave gets back from The Islands Sunday. We will visit the Bee Sunday Noon , or maybe we can join the memorial service. I have been watching the obituaries but have seen nothing. When is the Wake and what time?

Kiss Kis

Kiss Kiss