Blog n: a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and brief philosophical musings about social issues that generally represent the personality of the author. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order.
So there. Now feed the starving little fighting fish above by clicking in his space...

Tuesday 22 April 2008

I've purchased the songs from Xavier's Tape Deck through iTunes and I'm in the process of making cd's. Anyone living in Salt Lake can pick up a free copy at the Busy Bee Bar and Grill 21st South and State st. (801) 466 0950. I'll have them done by this Friday. If you need me to send one by mail email me at (soon to be ...shhh!)


Anonymous said...

How is it with you Lady?

Thanks for the smiles last night at The Bee... and pictures. I posted a new picture of Moneypenny on the Betta Song Book. Check it out I think you'll like it.

I checked for the CD, but I guess Cindy was too tired to leave it for me. Maybe you could leave one at The Bee for me to pick-up later.

Capt. Ron amd I are leaving for Jackson Hole and won't be back till Monday.

Best of luck in Canada and Africa. You will be missed by all.

Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Anonymous said...

So make it a reality. I love and support all the great stones that are ready to turn.
I will be the great suprise on the other side
