Blog n: a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and brief philosophical musings about social issues that generally represent the personality of the author. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order.
So there. Now feed the starving little fighting fish above by clicking in his space...

Friday 25 July 2008

All is well, it truly is!

For those of you that don't know I just finished a 3 month holistic retreat at the foot of the Canadian Rockies in British Columbia. It's difficult to describe, but holistic basically means 'whole' so my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being has undergone quite a change. I consumed an organic whole food, sugar-free, caffeine-free diet, practiced meditation everyday Tai Chi in the mornings and group therapy sessions in the afternoon, did volunteer work, took walks in forest, went fishing and mountain-biking, and I had the occasional massage, reflexology, and energy work done. It was the best three months of my life and the sum of my experience has brought about a mighty change of heart and the void inside of me feels like a deep pool of calm water. I feel reborn, reconnected to God, and have an inner peace that I haven't felt in years. I seem to have endless patience, I can love freely and forgive others, and I love my new and improved Leanne the way you do a newborn baby; unconditional love for a thing that has limitless potential. That Oprah was onto something...

I left BC a week ago and flew to the UK to spend some time with Mom and Dad. I'm in Spain at the moment visiting my brother Simon who's working in Salou for the summer then I go back to England until mid-august. I really fell in love with the Rockies while in Canada so I'm looking at going to school over there to study photography, which I've always had a passion for but never really pursued. Starbuck bought me a fabulous DSLR camera before I left the states and so far I've taken over 8,000 photos with it! I'm hoping to be back in Salt Lake City in the fall to visit friends and loved ones, but Canada's looking more like my new home.

While in treatment I found out that the local Wal-mart were selling Betta fish. Now, the stores in the States have been banned from selling fish because of the cruel conditions they keep them in and I guess the Canadian walmart have fallen below the radar because I was appalled to find a dozen or so Bettas lying on their sides in no less than an inch of water. It broke my heart to see their fins exposed and the water thick and dark blue from whatever goop they had them stored in. I summoned the store manager and explained that yes, they can survive in low oxygenated water but they're certainly not happy and won't live for very long. She promised to do something and I rescued four and took them back to the ranch.

A couple weeks later when I was volunteering at the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) I mentioned the walmart travesty and found out that the store manager who I'd complained to that day had nearly gotten fired by her superior for raising hell about the poor conditions! What a lady! It just goes to show that inside all of us there's a Betta-fan dying to get out, some people just need a point in the right direction. You see, evil exists not because bad people do bad things, but because good people do nothing and there's a good lady in the little town of Cranbrook in the heart of the Canadian Rockies making sure that Betta fish have plenty of water to wiggle around and show off their plumage.


Anonymous said...

so you gotta be kidding me.. Walmart not caring about the little guy??? I never would have thunk it! I mean really for such a large company that by far excedes the requirements for affermative action by supporting illegal immigrants and not to mention won't sell "R" rated movies or C.D.'s with any explicit lyrics (they don't even carry eminem or most of my favorite rap albums) to anyone under 18! Yet they still let these poor helpless EXOTIC pets/friends wade in the water rather than swim freely... I am outraged as well! I think this calls for another petition! How can you let something as rare as an exotic species of fish suffer while taking such good care of the EXOTIC people? And by exotic I mean from Mexico.... (the people, not the fish) I mean after all fish are people too! Right?... I'm glad all is well and you are feeling so great. We all look forward to more Bla bla blog entries and even more to seeing you in person! Keep it up! Your showing more guts and strength than most people have ever dreamed about having! Congrats on graduating girl! For real! Hope to all! And to all a good night!

Anonymous said...

Mrs Moneypenny,

It has been awhile since I checked in. I'm so very glad to hear that everything is sitting better for you now. I never had a clue to be honest... It truly is a horrible thing that addiction, sneaky too.
From the sound of things your in a much better place than when you left SLC. For that I'm glad that you left so suddenly. Just don't forget if you should ever need anything your friends at Fish 4 U will always be there to help... Even if it's just for a fishy friend to lean on.

Laters and best wishes
Greg F4U

Miss MoneyPenny said...

Thank you Greg for that comment. It warmed my heart, it really did! I am ready to embark on phase two of the BettaLife and I'll be back in Salt Lake by the end of September and you can count on my stopping by. Peace:)