Blog n: a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and brief philosophical musings about social issues that generally represent the personality of the author. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted in reverse-chronological order.
So there. Now feed the starving little fighting fish above by clicking in his space...

Tuesday 16 December 2008

And after the ashes had been cleared how exactly did they raise that legendary bird?

I check in periodically to give the statcounter a flick much like those early days of aBettaBlog when my echo was the only response to my posts, and my moral dilemma was leaving that statcounter alone. Ah! the BettaDays when gravel was the fashion and bubble nests the anthem. Sadly though, during my summer long sojourn all blog activity dwindled and today as I watch it whither back into obscurity like a slowly sinking ship, I promise to myself (and to any reader found washed up on these now barren shores of aBettaBlog) that I'll not let this era come to an end without delivering a slow and drawn out death. I shot photo #19717 on my beautiful Canon recently and added it to a folder which also had inside some camera phone pics I took 2 years ago beginning with this one...

I've argued that the simple life of keeping a Betta fish not just alive but happy might unlock truths about one's personal legend or unique calling in life. It's pretentious tone is the reason it started out as a joke but as I re-examined the four friends I'd given Betta's to (who's lives have changed in varying degrees for the better) it occurred to me how I'd over-looked my own BettaPersuits and passion for photography.

Exp: 1/60 f/8.0 ISO 400 135mm

Empirical evidence? Who's to say. But if you do decide to try the BettaLife for yourself just remember that your fish needs at least a gallon of water (spring H2O at room temp), a small feeding of blood worms daily, and aquatic plants for added protection and feeling of security. Bamboo leaves for instance, not only look nice but provide adequate shelter and encourage the building of bubble nests which is the ultimate sign of a grateful and very healthy Betta, or what I like to call BettaVita Magnifico!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am an artist. I do copper fish sculptures. If you send me a photo of your favorite Beta I can do a sculpture that is slightly larger than life size for about $150. Email me and I can send you an invitation to my picasa fish gallery.
Happy New Year